Ms. Rollman's Advocacy



Hello Parents, 
I hope this message finds you all well. We are excited to partner with you to support students through this new learning adventure. Each week we will provide a schedule with interactive learning activities as well as the daily expectations for MobyMax. There are two differentiated learning schedules included. In the bottom left corner you will see one is labeled "reinforce" and one is labeled "expand". Please utilize the schedule that meets your child's academic needs.
Remember that MobyMax is our primary learning source. Be sure that students login and complete at least 20 minutes of learning per content area each day. This time can be broken up into smaller increments to support engagement and prevent fatigue.  
Please remember that the assessments are our window into what your student knows and should be completed independently. Of course it is ok for parents to offer support with the use of technology, but the content should be the work of your child. For those students who are not yet fluent readers, there is the option beside each questions and answer, to press the speaker icon, and the words will be read aloud to your child. 
As your child begins their learning they will first be prompted to complete placement assessments. Please be sure your student also completes the READING LEVEL ASSESSMENT as well. This cannot be assigned on our end and must be selected individually on your end. 
We understand that each student moves at their individual pace and level. We will be posting additional supplemental resources for you to use as needed. 
If you have any additional questions please feel free to reach out to your child's advocacy teacher. 
We look forward to seeing students next week over Zoom! 
Kind Regards! 

Book Bags Being Sent Home Today! 3/13/20

Dear Parents, 
In your student's backpack you should find a red book bag with 3 days of student work to complete at home next week. Each packet contains work to meet students at various ability levels so please pick and choose what feels most appropriate for your student. While we cannot require that this work be completed next week, we do want to make it available to all students. If your student was absent today, or left prior to book bags being handed out, you may pick up your student's bag at the front office Today before 4:00pm or Monday between 8:30am-3:30pm. Please be sure to return the book bag and other materials when we return from Spring Break. 
As previously communicated, all parent teacher conferences have been canceled. Please look for individual emails regarding your student's progress no later than Tuesday at 4pm. You can also login to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal for your student's grade report.
As always, we appreciate your partnership as we work to hard to maintain student health and safety. Please enjoy your time together and take care of yourselves! We will continue to post any updates as necessary. 
Thank You :) 

UPDATE: Conferences & Concert Canceled!


Out of concern for the health and safety of our community, we are canceling the 7/8th grade concert this Friday, March 13th as well as the spring conferences that were scheduled for next week.  We are using an abundance of caution and heeding the call for limiting group gatherings and practicing ‘social distancing’ in order to keep our students, families and staff safe.

We realize that the feedback provided during conferences are important for families so teachers will be providing detailed information of student progress via email to families.  Our ‘Specials’ teachers (Music, PE, Tech and Art) and ELL teachers will send emails to families of students who are currently participating in a specials class or ELL instruction. 

Additionally, while we appreciate and value the commitment of our volunteers and families, we are asking that you please refrain from requesting entrance into the building unless you have a scheduled appointment. 

This is a difficult time and the decision to limit access and cancel the concert and conferences was not taken lightly.  We appreciate your support and understanding.  We will continue to communicate with our families when we have any new information or as decisions are made.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me or the team leads.  

Sharon Collins
Executive Director

March Advocacy Update: Growth Mindset and Grit 3/1/20

 Hello Parents!

Our Advocacy focus for March is Growth Mindset & Grit.  All classes will be working on helping students learn to reframe failure and have perseverance and tenacity in their academic and personal lives.  Identifying and replacing the negative self-talk with positive self-talk will also be part of this unit. Kindergarten will design and create motivational posters to encourage higher grade levels to persevere through CMAS testing and help support a positive mindset.  

Conferences are coming up on March 16th, 17th, & 20th.  On the 16th & 17th, conferences will be from 4:00pm - 7:00pm.  On Friday the 20th, conferences will be held from 8:00am - 8:00pm.  The 20-minute slots are first come, first serve. Please check your student's advocacy page for the conference sign up link. Also, if your student will be attending conferences with you they must remain under your supervision, inside the classroom, and are not permitted to hang out in the K, 1-2 pod. Champions is only available to those who have signed their student up and is not there to supervise students not on their roster. We appreciate your cooperation!

Reminder--please do not send homemade treats with your child to share with the class for events such as birthdays.  All food that is to be shared must be store bought! This helps prevent and complications due to dietary restrictions and/or allergies. 

Upcoming Dates: 

March 16th & 17th: Conferences from 4:00pm - 7:00pm 

March 19th: No School 

March 20th: Conferences from 8am - 8pm

March 21 - April 5th: Spring Break 


Reminder: Field Trip and Conferences

Hello Parents! 
Just a quick reminder about events coming up quickly that require your attention. 
Tuesday March 3rd: Morning Field Trip to The Boulder County Recycling Center. 
Permission Slip click here. 
Monday March 16th 4pm-7pm, Tuesday March 17th 4pm-7pm, and Friday March 20th 8am-8pm. 
Conference schedule click here.  
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email your student's advocacy teacher. 

Rescheduled Field Trip to Recycling Center!

Great News! We were able to reschedule our field trip to the Boulder Recycling Center! On Tuesday, March 3rd we will be going with our Service Learning Group to the Boulder Recycling Center. Ms. Valenza and our service learning buddies will be joining us, so we will not be needing chaperones this time around. Please click the link below and fill out the digital permission slip for your kindergarten student. If you have any questions please feel free to email your student's advocacy teacher! 

When to Keep Kids Home

Hello Parents,

We have seen quite a few different illnesses going around school the last few weeks so I thought it might be helpful to send a few reminders.  Please review the attachment that explains when to keep kids home from school.  We have this policy in place to help keep your family and the rest of our community healthy.  Here is a link to the health clinic page for more information:

When to Keep Your Student Home: 
1. The child is unable to participate in daily activities.
2. The child doesn't feel well enough to take part in normal activities. 
3. The child needs more care than staff can give, and still care for the other children. 
4. The illness is on the list on the Health Clinic page and staying home is recommended.See Attached Form Please. 


If your student does need to stay home for any reason, please make sure to let the school know by either calling, filling out an attendance form, or emailing directly.  If at any time your student is seen by a provider, please get a note from them for school so we can excuse the absence.  Here is a link to the attendance page for more information:


All medication, including over the counter medications, that need to be taken by students must be kept in the school health office, the appropriate form filled out and must be kept in the original container. Our school medication form must be filled out by a doctor and signed by the parent. Find the form you need on our Health Clinic page. You can email, fax or drop off forms at the front desk. If you have any questions please email the school nurse at [email protected].


Please feel free to call or email with any questions you may have!

Many Thanks! 

February Advocacy Update: Healthy Relationships 2/3/20

Hello Parents, 
This month our advocacy theme is healthy relationships. Students will learn about how to develop and maintain healthy relationships. Students will learn how to treat all people respectfully and how to treat honor other's beliefs and opinions. Students will learn how to identify unhealthy relationships and how to advocate for one's needs. 
This Friday, February 7th we will be going with our Service Learning Group to the Boulder Recycling Center. Ms. Valenza and our service learning buddies will be joining us, so we will not be needing chaperones this time around. You should have received a link for the digital permission slip. If you did not, please email your student's advocacy teacher. 
In preparation for Kindness Day (Valentines Day) students will be making kindness cards for the wonderful people at the Adams 12 Bus Barn located just down the block from us. We will be taking a walking field trip to hand deliver our creations on Valentine's Day. You should have already received an email with the digital permission slip for this event. If you did not, please email you student's advocacy teacher. 
Please remember that we do not do individual Valentine’s Day cards for students. If you send valentine's with your student they will not be passed out and will be returned back home at the end of the day.
The 100th day of school is just around the corner! We will be celebrating the 100th day of kindergarten by exploring all things 100. Students are invited to come to school dressed like they are 100 years old! If you are stumped and need ideas a quick google search should give you plenty of inspiration! Have fun with the costume, but remember that your student needs to be able to move about their day freely and use the bathroom independently.



Upcoming Events:

  • Tues. 2/4  Tokyo Joe’s Spirit Night 
  • Fri. 2/7 Service Learning Field Trip to Boulder Recycling Center 
  • 2/10 - 2/14 Kindness Week & Teacher Appreciation Week 
  • Fri. 2/14 Kindness Day Walking Field Trip to Bus Barn
  • Mon. 2/17 President’s Day- No School  
  • Tues 2/18 Professional Development - No School 
  • Thurs. 2/20 Kinder 100th Day of School! Dress like you're 100 years old. 

Advocacy Update

Our Advocacy focus for January is Self-Compassion. Students will be learning the basic principles of self compassion (Self-kindness vs.  Self-judgment, Common Humanity vs. Isolation, Mindfulness vs. Overidentification). Students will examine their own places for growth and they will work toward changing negative self-talk into positive mantras.

Westgate’s Bully Report webpage has been redone! It can be accessed at the following link:

It is very important that students know when and why they should be accessing this form.  Bullying occurs when the following happens:

  1. It is repeated
  2. There is an imbalance of power
  3. There is intent to harm

Please speak with your child about this. Westgate is committed to being bully-free, and one of the best ways to do this is by providing a way to report it when it is truly happening.  

Starting this week we will be uploading important pieces of student work and proof of learning to individual student SeeSaw accounts. A majority of student's daily work will go home with them as usual, but instead of keeping important projects and proof of learning we will be scanning that work and then sending it home. Please keep an eye out for login information coming home with your student this week. 

PALS testing window is open from January 13 - January 29, so we will be spending the next couple of weeks assessing students phonics and basic literacy skills. Please be sure your student has a good night rest, healthy breakfast, and arrives to school on time!   

JA in a day is coming on Friday, January 31st.  All classes will have guest teachers to lead in learning about economic principles during the school day. The school is also still looking for a couple of volunteer teachers for this event. Please let us know if you are willing and able to volunteer. 

Kindness Day will be on Friday, February 14th.  More information on this will be coming within the next few weeks! We will not be exchanging Valentines or having a party.  Instead, we will be visiting local businesses to spread kindness within the community. 

Westgate is moving towards a “toy free” zone.  We want students to focus on learning and building relationships while they are here, and toys become a disruption to this learning process.  Outdoor equipment (balls, scooters, jump ropes and sidewalk chalk) is still acceptable. Kindergarten students are able to bring a small toy on their specific share day only. This toy is to be out only at share time and will not be allowed out at recess or choice time.  More information is coming soon from admin.  Please let us know if you have any questions.  Thank you so much for your support with this!



  • January 17: Class Pictures
  • January 20: No School - Martin Luther King Jr Day
  • January 23: 3-4 Field Trip - National Western Stock Show
  • January 28: School wide Field Trip - Beethoven’s Birthday at the DCPA
  • February 14: Kindness Card Delivery in our Community
  • February 17: No School - Presidents’ Day
  • February 18: No School - Teacher Work Day

Winter Holiday Party Update

Hello Parents! 
The Kindergarten pod will be hosting our winter holiday party on Wednesday , December 18th at 1:30pm. Students and teachers will also celebrate with a PAJAMA DAY! Students are allowed to wear school appropriate pajamas and boots or tennis shoes. No Slippers Please.
We will need your help and support to make this party a huge success. We are planning a hot cocoa bar, cookie decorating, tasty snacks, and a fun holiday game. You can sign up to donate items, your time, or both.
Thanks so much for your support!!!
The Kindergarten Team 
Below is the link to sign up!

Winter Conference Sign Up

Hello Parents, 
The Winter conference sign up window has closed. If you have not yet scheduled a conference, but would like to, please contact Ms. Chalstrom at [email protected]
We will do our best to fit you in to our schedule. 

Advocacy Update 12/2/2019

Hello Parents, 

In December we will be focusing on Mindfulness during our advocacy time. Students will practice different breathing patterns and notice how their body feels. Students will also practice yoga and learn how mindfulness can help us control our body and emotions. 


HOLIDAY SHOPDecember 9-13 

Students will have a preview day on Monday where students can window shop and plan for gifts they would like to purchase for family or friends. After our preview time, the only time students will be allowed to shop will be at lunch/quiet time  and only students with money will be allowed to shop. Students without money will not be allowed in the shop any other time the rest of the week.

Tuesday – Friday: only students with money can shop during lunch and quiet time. 

The shop is also open M-F from 3:15 - 4:30 for students with money or students with a parent. 


Winter Parent Teacher Conferences will take place from 8:00am - 8:00pm on Thursday, December 19th and from 8:00am - 12:00pm on Friday, December 20th. The link to the sign up will be emailed to all parents and will also be available on all Advocacy pages.  Please make sure to sign up for only one slot and indicate the teachers you would like to be present. We will make the final determination about who will attend based on the other conferences taking place at the same time.  Thanks for your understanding that we are trying to be present with as many parents as possible. 


Jr. Achievement will be taking place on Friday, January 31st, 2020.  We need volunteers! If you are interested in teaching & volunteering that day, please reach out to your child’s advocacy teacher! A training session is required in order to participate.  For more information, please see the following link: 


12/19/19: Winter Conferences 

12/20/19: Winter Conferences 

12/23/19 – 1/10/19: Winter Break