Mr. Hepner's Math Class


11-4 to 11-8

Since last week had multiple stops and starts We are just going to get completely caught up this week in our content.  Please be sure to read your Advocacy page for important dates and school wide activities.

10-28 to 11-1

Welcome back Winter :)
Last week we finished multi-digit addition and subtraction. If you notice that your student needs additional practice please let me know and I can provide additional resources.  
This week we are diving back into multiplication and division to really understand the math behind the facts.  We will be using different strategies so that students are both effective and efficient when solving equations.   We will expand into  multi-digit multiplication and long division.


We will be wrapping up multiple digit addition and subtraction this week and adding additional strategies to solving word problems

Welcome Back

I hope all of you had a Wonderful Fall Break and are ready to get back into the school groove. 
This week in math we will be gaining more experienced with measurement and estimation using different units and tools, students further develop their skills by learning to round in Topic C (3.NBT.1).  We will measure, and then use place value understandings and the number line as tools to round two-, three-, and four-digit measurements to the nearest ten or hundred.
We will then apply our previous understanding to use estimations to test the reasonableness of sums and differences precisely calculated using standard algorithms.  From their work with metric measurement students have a deeper understanding of the composition and decomposition of units.  They bring this to every step of the addition and subtraction algorithms with two- and three-digit numbers as 10 units are changed for 1 unit or 1 unit is changed for 10 units. We will then begin problem solving involving metric units or intervals of time.  Students will round to estimate, and then calculate precisely using the standard algorithm to add or subtract two- and three-digit measurements given in the same units (3.NBT.13.NBT.2, 3.MD.1, 3.MD.2). 

Conferences are this Thursday and Friday. We look forward to seeing all of you here.
First day of Fall, feels like the year is going by so quickly.
During Math in this shortened week we will be measuring weight and volume in metric units. Hopefully they can use these skills with some Holiday baking????

September 16-20

We are moving forward to unit two. Using real world measurement of volume and mass to solve problems as well as place value and estimation of time to solve multi digit arithmetic. 

September 9th -13th

This week we are demonstrating Mastery of basic multiplication and division by explaining the operations in words, diagrams and number sentences.