Spanish Cultures

Course Description

In Spanish Cultures we will explore what life is like in Spanish-speaking countries around the world. We will present about what shaped a country's history, what their laws are like, what their economy is like, and what traditions they have.


December 17-21

The Spanish Cultures final exam will be from 2:00 to 3:00 on Tuesday December 18th.
To prepare for the Spanish Cultures exam, be ready to write about what you have learned about another country: What did you learn about the history of another country? What did you learn about the rights of another country? What did you learn about an artifact? What did you learn about current events in another country?

December 10-14

Calendar Spanish Cultures: December 10-14  


Monday 10 

Wednesday 12 

What we are doing:   

Current Events Discussion 

Current Events Research Assignment 

Review 3 unit themes to prepare for Final Exam 

What is due:   

Current Events Assignment  


Any late deadlines:   

 Final artifact projects 


Unit 3 quiz 

December 3-7

Calendar Spanish Cultures: December 3-7  


Monday 3 

Wednesday 5 

What we are doing:   

Artifact Presentations Day 2 

Review artifact unit themes 

Artifact unit written reflection quiz 

What is due:   

Final artifact projects 

Unit 3 quiz 

Any late deadlines:   



Project draft proposals 

November 26-30

Calendar Spanish Cultures: November 26-30   


Monday 26 

Wednesday 28 

What we are doing:   

Build Presentations Schedule 

Project work day 

Project presentations day 1 

What is due:   



Any late deadlines:   



Project draft proposals 

November 12-16

If you are a veteran and you are reading this, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your service to our country. 

Calendar Spanish Cultures: November 12-16   


Monday 12 

Wednesday 14 

What we are doing:   

 No school - Veteran's Day

Artifact Project Work Day

Project creation checklist 

What is due:   



Any late deadlines:   



Project draft proposals 


November 5-7

Calendar Spanish Culture: November 5-7 


Monday 5 

Wednesday 7 

What we are doing:   

Introduce New Unit: Artifact Project 

Work day Projects 

What is due:   


Project draft proposals 


Any late deadlines:   




October 29-November 2

Calendar Spanish Culture: October 29-November 2 


Monday 29 

Wednesday 31 

What we are doing:   

Dia de los Muertos Masks 

Dia de los Muertos Masks 

What is due:   




Any late deadlines:   



Rights Presentations Final Projects 

October 22-26

Calendar Spanish Culture: October 22-26 


Monday 22 

Wednesday 24 

What we are doing:   

Country Rights Presentations Day 1 

Work day presentations  

Presentations Day 2 

What is due:   




Any late deadlines:   



Dia de los Muertos Comparison 

October 15-19

My apologies . . . I was out for the first two days of this week for medical reasons. Be aware that this problem could cause me to miss time again during the next week. Feel free to contact me individually if you want to know more.

Calendar Spanish Culture: October 15-19


Monday 15

Wednesday 17

What we are doing:  

Substitute day – Dia de los Muertos Comparison 

Work day presentations 

Presentations Day 1

What is due:  


Dia de los Muertos Comparison 

Presentations files

Any late deadlines:  



Rights Comparison Source List  

Source 4 with comparison statements and evidence 


Be prepared for assessment for the rights unit next week in the form of a written reflection about your country of study and their citizen’s rights.