Social Studies- Mrs. Matthews

Course Description

2:15-3:15pm everyday
Science and Social Studies switch off units in Kindergarten. If you don't see an update for this week, check Science.


IMPORTANT: Kindness Week 2/11-2/14

We have a lot going on this week so here are a few important reminders:

February 11th-13th is Kindness week! We will be doing Kindness activities all week!

February 13th is Hundreds day! Children are welcome to dress up like they are 100 years old!

We will be providing a 100’s day snack that day, but if your child has allergies or wants to opt out, you can still have them bring their own snack.

February 13th 6pm - 8pm Family Dance! 

February 14th is Valentines day! NO CHILDREN ARE ALLOWED TO BRING VALENTINES!!! Instead, Westgate makes Kindness cards and delivers them to businesses in our community. We will be taking a field trip to the bus barn to pass our kindness cards out! Permission slips should have been sent home in Friday Folders last week. We should be back in time for normal pick up for half day students. I will be reaching out to chaperones this week!

February 15th- NO SCHOOL: Teacher professional Development

February 18th- NO SCHOOL: Presidents day

February 21st- Field trip to Childrens WOW! Museum. Permission slips coming as soon as we have approval of buses. Half day pickup will be later (more information will be on the permission slip).

Maps Week #3 2/5/19

 In Social Studies this week, we wrap up our maps and globes unit. We will continue learning similarities and differences between maps and globes. Then, we will start with thinking about our houses, do some maps of special places in our homes, and school. Then we will take a look at different types of homes around the world and use the globe to get perspective on their location in relationship to us.
At home, you can support your child by looking for maps that you use regularly. You could show your child your car's navigation system or play with the features in google maps. If you have photos of houses grandparents lived in, for example, you could compare their home to your current home. 

Maps Week 1/28/19

 In Social Studies this week, we continue our maps and globes unit. We will continue learning similarities and differences between maps and globes. Then, we will start with thinking about our houses, do some maps of special places in our homes, and school. Then we will take a look at different types of homes around the world and use the globe to get perspective on their location in relationship to us.
At home, you can support your child by looking for maps that you use regularly. You could show your child your car's navigation system or play with the features in google maps. If you have photos of houses grandparents lived in, for example, you could compare their home to your current home. 

Maps Week #2 1/21/19

In Social Studies this week, we continue our maps and globes unit. We will begin with learning similarities and differences between maps and globes. Then, we will start with thinking about our houses, do some maps of special places in our homes, and school. Then we will take a look at different types of homes around the world and use the globe to get perspective on their location in relationship to us.
At home, you can support your child by looking for maps that you use regularly. You could show your child your car's navigation system or play with the features in google maps. If you have photos of houses grandparents lived in, for example, you could compare their home to your current home.

Tomorrow is Class Picture Day 1/18/19

Hello Parents,

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is Class Picture Day. Order forms were sent home on Monday and I have only had 2 students return their order to me. I will be sending home an extra order form with students today so please check your student’s backpack. I have also attached a scan of the directions to order online if necessary.

Kindergarten will be first to have their picture taken so please be sure to arrive to school on time and send the order form with your student.

Thank you so much!

Mrs. Matthews



Begin Maps Unit - 1/14/19

In Social Studies this week, we begin our maps and globes unit. We will begin with learning similarities and differences between maps and globes. Then, we will start with thinking about our houses, do some maps of special places in our homes, and school. Then we will take a look at different types of homes around the world and use the globe to get perspective on their location in relationship to us. At home, you can support your child by looking for maps that you use regularly. You could show your child your car's navigation system or play with the features in google maps. If you have photos of houses grandparents lived in, for example, you could compare their home to your current home.

Holidays Around the World 12/3/2018

 This week in Social Studies, we will continue our Holidays around the World unit by traveling to Isreal. We will be learning about a commonly celebrated holiday- Hanukkah.  We will make our way over to Sweden as well to learn about St. Lucia's Day. 

Holidays Around The World 11/26/18

This week in Social Studies we are starting our last unit of the year- Holidays around the world. Students will be getting passports and flying to at least 10 different countries to learn how they celebrate their winter Holiday! 

Veteran’s Day 11/5/18

Hello Families,
This week we will be learning all about Veteran’s Day. Students will learn about ideas such as sacrifice, honor, duty, perseverance. Students will wrap up the week creating thank you crafts for military members at Buckley Air Force Base. 

Past - Present - Future

This week in Social Studies we are starting a new unit on Past, Present, and future. We will start off the unit by learning about Johnny Appleseed and who he was and what he did. This week we will learn about the things he did and how they are the same and different to what we do now. 
Heads Up: Our Final project will be a timeline of each child's life. Please prepare one picture of your child as a baby, one as a toddler, and one of them now. (More can be sent but not more than 5 pictures). PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY PICTURES THAT YOU WANT RETURNED. WE WILL BE CUTTING AND GLUING THE PICTURES TO OUR TIMELINES. 
I need all pictures either electronically sent to me or sent to school by September 21st. A reminder will come home in Friday Folders next week. 

Curriculum Night Reminder!

Curriculum Night is Thursday, August 30; 6PM – 8PM – Adults Only Please!

Come to hear about what your child will be learning this year! All teams will present in one night! We hope this consolidation will support our families with finding child care. If you can’t make it, all Teams will post their presentations and have any handouts uploaded to the website.

6 PM – 7 PM: Kindergarten, 3/4, 7/8, and Bullying Prevention Parent Info Meeting

7 PM – 8 PM: 1/2, 5/6 and High School and Bullying Prevention Parent Info Meeting

Social Studies: Citizenship Unit

This week in Social Studies, we will be working on our Civics unit about how to be a good citizen. We will also do a project about who is in our families.