Ms. Rollman Science Group B

Course Description


Rollman's Science 5/20/2019

Science:  We are continuing to work on the space unit

Ask your child to give you facts about the planet.


Rollman's Science 5/13/2019

Science: We will talk about the seasons and why the moon is important

Ask your child about his favorite season and why

Rollman's Science 4-22-2019

Science: They will continue to study the planets and add to their notebooks.

Ask your child to tell you one fact about planets.

Rollman's Science 4-15-2019

Science:  Students are working on a space unit and are preparing a folder with their work to bring home

Ask your child to tell you some facts about the earth and the moon.


Ms. Rollman's Science 3-18-2019

Science: Continuation of the life of a plant unit (plant life cycle flip book)

Ask your child the life cycle of a plant: seed, seedling, plant, and flower

Hamilton's Social Studies 3-11-2019

Science: How plants grow

We will plant seeds in moss pots this week and watch them grow in our window.

As your child what seeds we planted.

Ms. Rollman's Science 3-4-2019

Science: New unit on sources of energy: This week we will start with heat

This week ask your child what he or she learned about sources of hear energy.

Ms. Rollman's Science 2-25-2019

Science: Structure and function of mammals and how they defend themselves.

Ask your child how your family pet would defend itself if it had to.

Ms. Rollman's Science 2-19-2019

Science:  Structure and function of a cat and dog

This week, ask your child how their pet protects itself and how it functions in its environment.



This week we will be finishing our light and sound waves unit by looking at how people have and can communicate using both light and sound. 


In science this week we will be looking at shadows and sources of light, both natural and artificial.  


This week in science we will be learning about light waves.  Students will look at concepts like transparency and opacity as well as what happens when there is no light at all. 


Hello Families,
This week in science we will be doing some labs with wound waves and students will get a chance to see how sound waves work in different situations.  At home ask your student to tell you how they think different things make their sound, especially instruments. 


This week we will be doing a mystery science lesson and then doing a short experiment to look at the scientific method in action.


In science this week we will be looking at the scientific method with a focus on observation skills.  We will also be doing some work with safety skills in science if we get to it at the end of the week.