Ms. Schneider, Chemistry


Week of February 10th

After a week of review on previous topics, we are going to be working on taking that knowledge and building upon it. 
Homework:  Unit 5 Lesson 2 and 3 Checkpoints
Weekly Agenda:
Monday:  Intermolecular forces practice 
Tuesday: Molarity Introduction and Practice 
Wednesday: Lesson 3 Lecture 
Thursday: Applied Intermolecular forces and Molarity to different career path activity
Friday:  NO Class due to Kindness Week Field Trips

Week of February 3rd

It feels weird that it is already February but here we go!
Homework:  None
Weekly Agenda:
Monday: Molar Mass Bunco
Tuesday: VSPER Review
Wednesday:  Ionic and Covalent Review
Thursday: Intermolecular Forces Review
Friday:  Measuring Solutions Practice Activity
We are gearing up for Stoichiometry and also getting ready 11th grade CMAS which will be in April and just cover high school science. 

Week of January 27th

This month is flying by, faster than imaginable but students are making progress through the unit. 
Homework: Molar mass worksheet
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: Molar Mass introduction and practice
Tuesday: Surface Tension and Solubility Lecture
Wednesday:  Solubility Demonstration and Molarity Calculation Introduction
Thursday: Molarity Calculation Practice
Friday: QUIZ over Unit 5 to date 

Week of January 20th

We are in full swing for semester 2 this week, with FRCC starting on Tuesday.
Homework: Unit 5 Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 Checkpoint Assignment (Even #ed problems only)
Weekly Schedule: 
Monday: No School due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday:  Unit 5 Lesson 2 Lecture
Wednesday: Penny Lab -- Lab attire required
Thursday: Unit 5 Lesson 2 Lecture continued 
Friday: Mole calculation practice 

Week of November 18th

This month is going by so fast. 
Homework: VSPER Packet
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday:  VSPER Introduction
Tuesday: VSPER practice
Wednesday: Modeling Atomic Shape Lab
Thursday: Review for Quiz
Friday: QUIZ
I will be accepting late work until December 2nd, after which time it will remain a missing or zero in the grade book. 

Week of November 11th

Hope you are enjoying this beautiful snow day!
Homework: Quantum Number packet
Weekly Agenda:
Monday: NO SCHOOL, Veteran's Day
Tuesday: Hogwarts's Day
Wednesday: Quantum Number practice
Thursday: VSEPR Introduction
Friday: VSEPR and Quantum Number practice 

Week of October 28th

Happy Halloween Week!
Homework: Nuclear Energy Project -- Replacing the End of Unit Test
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday:  Nuclear Energy Lecture and selection of Popsicle stick for project assignment
Tuesday: Work on project
Wednesday: Work on project
Thursday: Work on project
Friday: Present Project 

Week of October 21st

It's finally feeling like Fall!
Homework: Unit 3 Lesson 2 Checkpoint Assignment -- paper
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday:  Unit 3 Lesson 2 lecture
Tuesday: Modeling Periodic Trends Activity
Wednesday : Atomic Radi Exploration
Thursday: Ionization energy application 

Week of October 14th

Welcome back, I hope everyone had a relaxing Fall Break!
Homework: Unit 3 Lesson 1 Checkpoint Assignment 
Weekly Agenda:
Monday:  Refresher on Lewis Dot Subshells and Introduction to Electron Configuration 
Tuesday:  SPDF Introduction and SPDF Subshell Practice
Wednesday: SPDF Subshell Practice and Lesson Review
Thursday:  Quiz Unit 3 Lesson 1

Week of September 23rd

Happy last week of Quarter 1!
Homework: None
Weekly Agenda:
Monday:  Build an Atom Activity
Tuesday: Isotope Activity 
Wednesday: Introduction to Lewis Dot Structure
Thursday: Lewis Dot Practice continued 
Fall break for students begins on Thursday September 26th at 11:30
Parent Teacher Conferences are from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM on 09/26 
                                                             8:00 AM - 8:00 PM on 09/27
Fall Break does not mean the students do  have FRCC, and there will not be a bus from Westgate during Fall Break.  Students and families are responsible for arranging their own transportation during this time.
Students return to Westgate Monday October 14th. 

Week of September 16th

This month is flying by so fast!
Homework:  Unit 3 Vocabulary --- due November 1st 
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: Unit 3 Pretest,  Introduction to Designing an Atomic Model  
Tuesday: Unit 3 Lesson 1 Lecture and History of the Atom
Wednesday:   Lesson 1 Lecture continued and Classification of Atoms
Thursday: Atomic Symbol and Atomic Number Practice
Friday:  Mass Number Practice and Isotope Review
This unit will take us through the end of October. 
I will also be sending emails to students this weekend who are at a D or below in Chemistry. 

Week of September 2nd

Happy September!
Homework:  1) Unit 2 Vocabulary Choice Board;  DUE September 13th 
                      2) Unit 2 Lesson 1 Checkpoint Assignment 
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday --- NO SCHOOL for Labor Day
Tuesday --  Unit 2 Pre-Test and Classification of Matter Lecture
Wednesday --  Unit 2 Lesson 1 Lecture 
Thursday -- Chemical vs Physical Changes Activity
Friday -- Classification of Matter Activity
Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

Week of August 26th!

Happy Spirit Week!
Homework: Measurement Practice
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: Scientific Notation and Introduction to Scientific Measurement 
Tuesday: Measurement Tool Practice
Wednesday: End of Unit Project Assessment
Thursday: End of Unit Project Assessment
Friday: End of Unit Project Assessment DUE AT END OF CLASS
Friendly Reminders: 
1) Students have a half day on Friday August 30th, getting out of school at 11:30 AM. 
2) Students have NO SCHOOL on Monday September 2nd, for Labor Day.

Week of August 19th

Happy first week of FRCC!
Homework: 1) Unit 1 Vocabulary Assignment DUE: August 30, 2024
                     2) Metric Conversion Homework Packet DUE: August 26, 2024
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: Unit 1 Pre-Test, Introduction to New Vocabulary Assignments, Lab Equipment Worksheet
Tuesday: Introduction to the Metric System
Wednesday: Metric System Reading and Introduction to Practice Problems 
Thursday:  Finish Reading Packet and Practice Problems
Friday:  Introduction to Scientific Notation
Test dates are tentative and students will be made aware if the date moves. 
Copies of the syllabus are posted in Teams, if you would like a physical copy please feel free to reach out to me.  Your student has a physical copy in their binders.