Mrs. Schneider, Forensic Science, Elective


Week of March 25th and April 1st

Happy Spring Break Everyone!
No Westgate classes until April 8th!

Students will still have FRCC but the bus will not run from Westgate.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thanks and enjoy the gift of time with your students

Week of December 4th

How is it December already?  Where did this semester go
Homework: None
Weekly Agenda:
Final Projects will be assigned in Teams at 8:00 AM on Monday December 4th.  Students will have all of their class periods this week to complete their finals; they are allowed to work on them outside of class but should not need to.   FINAL PROJECTS ARE DUE THURSDAY DECEMBER 7TH AT 3:30 PM; NO EXCEPTIONS. 
Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Week of November 27th

This week we will laying the final layer of groundwork before the final project.
Homework: None
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: OJ Simpson Documentary summarizing the impact of trace evidence on a case
Tuesday: Murder Mystery 
Wednesday: Clue
Thursday: Deductive Reasoning Exercise 
Final Exam: Students will have a project for Forensics rather than a final test for the Fall semester.  They will have in class time the entire week of December 4th.  FINALS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN 3 PM ON THURSDAY DECEMBER 7TH; ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS.   

Week of November 13th

One more week before the big break!  
Homework:  None
Weekly Schedule: 
Monday: Introduction to Evidence Collection
Tuesday: Evidence Collection Practice
Wednesday: OJ Simpson Case Study
Thursday:  OJ Simpson Case Study

Week of November 6th

Happy November!
Homework: None
Weekly Agenda * Subject to change: 
Monday: Introduction to Psychiatry vs Psychology and their role in Forensics
Tuesday: Recorded Interview of Forensic Psychiatrist Tara Strakor
Wednesday: Unabomber Case Study
Thursday: Role of Mental Health in the Criminal Justice System 

Week of October 30th

Happy Halloween!
This week we will be wrapping up our Arson unit.
Homework: None
Weekly Agenda
Monday:  Burn Analysis of housing structures
Tuesday: Halloween Crime History Lesson
Wednesday: Arson Investigator from Thornton Fire Department Guest Speaker
Thursday: Arson Case Study and wrap up activity 

Week of October 23rd

This week we will be beginning our Arson Unit, as we prepare for our guest speaker next week. 
Students will be building wooden popsicle stick structures as they learn about how fire spreads and how arson investigators are able to determine whether or not a fire was a crime. 

Week of October 16th

Welcome back from Fall Break!  I hope you all had a great relaxing time away.
Homework: None
Monday: Introduction to Serial Killers
Tuesday: Serial Killer Analysis
Wednesday: Interview with a Serial Killer Video
Thursday: Research and present specific serial killers 

Week of September 25th

How is this the last week of Quarter 1 already?
Homework: None
Weekly Agenda:
Monday: Finish JFK Assassination Unit
Tuesday: Introduction to Body Farms
Wednesday: How Forensic Scientists Utilize Body Farm Research
Thursday: Bones Body Farm Episode
The last day to turn in any late or missing assignments is Monday October 2nd; which is the first day of Parent Teacher Conferences. 

Week of September 18th

JFK conspiracies live on in class.
Homework: None
Weekly Agenda:
Monday: Start construction plans for Plaza
Tuesday:  Construction
Wednesday: Construction
Thursday: Investigation about major theories surrounding JFK assassination. 

Week of September 11th

Students have wrapped up Forgery and are moving onto Ballistics.
Homework: None
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: Introduction to Ballistics
Tuesday: Where was the Shooter Activity?
Wednesday: What happened at the Grassy Knoll? 
Thursday: Grassy Knoll Reconstruction Project

Week of September 4th

We are wrapping up Forgery!
Homework: None
Weekly Agenda:
Monday: NO SCHOOL due to Labor Day
Tuesday: Catch Me If You Can
Wednesday: Catch Me If You Can
Thursday: Finish Catch Me If You Can and creating our own forgeries 

Week of August 28th

Where did August go?
This was the first week of Forensics class; and students did an amazing job deciphering inductive and deductive reasoning. 
Homework: None 
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: Mrs. Schneider out -- Clue tournament to finish reasoning unit 
Tuesday: Introduction to Handwriting and Forgeries 
Wednesday: Handwriting Analysis Lab
Thursday: Forgery Case Study
* Curriculum Night August 31st from 5 PM until 6 PM -- Virtual Only.  We will send out the link very soon. 
We will watch Catch Me If You Can after Labor Day Break. 
Friendly Reminder there will not be school on Monday September 4th.  

Week of August 21st

This will be the first week of class, and  I am excited to get this class going.
Homework: None
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: Work with students to determine which topics they would like to learn about in Forensics.
Tuesday: Deductive Reasoning Activity
Wednesday: Inductive Reasoning Activity
Thursday: Clue