Mr. Kahn, Math - D (8-2)


Weekly Update 2/4/24

Hello All! 
This week, we will close our chapter on data displays and interpreting data and proceed onto our study of functions.
If you have any questions feel free to reach out!
Hunter Kahn

Weekly updaete - 1/21/24

Hello All! 
This week, we will be finishing our study of systems of linear equations and assessing with a debate of which is the best method, then we will open the chapter on data displays!
If you have any questions feel free to reach out!
Hunter Kahn

8-D Weekly Update: 1/16/23

Hello All! 
This week, we will be studying the three methods of solving systems of linear equations; graphing, substitution, and elimination. 
If you have any questions feel free to reach out!
Hunter Kahn

Course Update: 8th grade math - 10/16/23

Hello Everyone! Welcome back from fall break! This week we are diving into our third unit of the year, covering angles and triangles. We will be primarily focused on the relationships of angles created by intersecting lines as well as the relationships of angles both on the interior and exterior of triangles.

Course Update - Week of 8/25/23 - 8-2

Hi Everyone, to close out quarter one, our eight graders will studying for and complete our test on transformations in the coordinate plane and briefly prefacing our upcoming unit on angles and triangles before break begins at the end of the week.  As it is the last week of the quarter, please make sure that your students return any borrowed textbooks to class. I will be reminding them throughout the week as well. 

Course Update - 8-2 - Week of 9/18/23

Hi Everyone! Quarter one is coming to a close, and with it our 8th grade math class will be closing chapter 2 of our book! This section largely covers the mechanics and utility of various figures in the coordinate plane and exposes students to graphing for the first time. This week in particular, we will be learning how to use similar figures in the real world as well as how to scale perimeter and area using specified scaling factors. Additionally, our grading window will come to a close on Friday and in order to have all work graded in a timely manner, we are asking that our students turn in all missing/late work on Wednesday 9/20.

Math D (8-2) Update - Week of 9/5/23

Hi Everyone! During the week of September 5th, our 8th grade math class will be learning about two more types of transformations to figures in the coordinate plane. The first being reflections, covered on Tuesday and Wednesday. Then rotations on Thursday and Friday to close out the week. 

Math C (8-2) Course Update: Week of 8/21/23

Hello Everyone! This coming week, our students will be putting a close to Chapter 1 of our math text! The first chapter of our book largely reflects and expands on material from previous grades including single step, multi-step, and literal equations as well as formulas like the conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit. On Monday, we will cover Literal equations, then on Tuesday and Wednesday we will learn how to rewrite formulas to give them multiple purposes, before connecting the concepts to real-life applications and reviewing for our Chapter 1 quiz(Monday) on Thursday and Friday respectively. In addition to all of this, I will be getting our students set up on the Big Ideas Math online platform in order to give them access to an interactive virtual version of our textbook as well as a plethora of other resources to aid in their learning.