Ms. Emby-Goodwine, Social Studies, 3rd Grade, Section A


Week of 2/26

Hello families! 
We've been learning so much about Black History this February! Later this semester, students will have a big research project about an important American. This month, we are getting prepared for that project by choosing an important African American to research.
Students have chosen their person and are doing lots of research to get information for their essays. Next week, they'll write their essay and present their information to the class so we can all learn about these important people in our history!

Week of 2/5-2/9

Hello families!
This week we will be holding our class economics fair, and other students from our pod will be coming to "shop" at our stores. This has been a really fun and exciting project to do!
After we wrap up our economics unit, we will be starting a unit on Black history, where we will research important people as well as learn about US History from this lens.

The Economics Fair!

Hello families!
We have been hard at work on our economics unit. Third graders have learned all about scarcity, supply, demand, producers, consumers, and more! 
Now it is time for us to put our knowledge into action. Over the next few weeks, students will become the "producers" as they design and create the supplies for their own business! Each business will have a "budget" to work within, and will have to buy their supplies from me. Students will then use the supplies to create a product that other 3rd and 4th grade students might like to buy! Some great ideas I've already heard are pet rocks, origami animals, and decorated pencils. In order to make this project fair for all students, students may not have supplies from home for the projects. I know that students came home yesterday very excited and thinking that parents would donate supplies, but after speaking with our Principal, I was able to confirm that I can order some things for the project! The school will supply everything, and they will complete the project entirely at school-- if you have old craft supplies that are just going to waste and you'd like to share with the class, please feel free to send those in but otherwise don't worry!
We want students to take this project seriously, and the most helpful thing you can do is to talk with your student about their idea! This is a big project for them to take on, and I am excited to seeing what they come up with.
Thank you in advance for your support! We're looking forward to a great "class mall"!
Ms. Emby
*I realized yesterday that with the post break scuffles I have been forgetting to post to edlio! I apologize, and will be consistent moving forward!

Research Projects

Week of 11/13

Hello families!
This week we started our unit on the Revolutionary War! We have been learning about the reasons why colonists were frustrated with King George, and the events that lead up to the official start of the Revolutionary War.
Over the next few weeks, we will dive deeper into the history of the Revolutionary War. You can support by asking your students about what they've learned in Social Studies! As of now, they should be able to explain why the colonists were upset, and what the Stamp Act of 1765 was. We'll be discussing the Boston Tea Party, French and Indian War, and much more! Yesterday we had a fun demonstration of taxation without representation, which stirred a lot of passionate feelings in our students! We'll continue to have fun with history throughout the unit.

Week of 10/23

Hello families!
This quarter in social studies we are diving into American history. We will cover Native American history, early American history (revolutionary war, civil war), women's history, and black history.
This week in social studies we started our Native American research unit! Students are working in groups to research a Native American Tribe so we can put the information in our pod to educate the rest of our community. We will be continuing this work through the next week, and then move into studying Native American regions. 

Week of 9/25

Hello families!
This week in social studies we are wrapping up our unit on geography. We've studied maps, directions, continents and regions, and we are finishing our unit with a research project on the 50 states! 

Every student is assigned to their own state and will be researching their state and presenting about their state over the course of the next week.
After we return from break, we'll be diving into American History! 

Week of 9/18

Hello families!
This week in social studies we are focusing in deeper on United States Geography. We will be studying regions Monday and Tuesday, and starting a research project on a specific state on Monday. We will be trying to cover all 50 states in our project so that each state is represented!