Ms. Lane, Advocacy, Kindergarten

Course Description


Advocacy Week of May 28th

Hi families! This is our last week before our kinders will become first graders! We are so excited to celebrate them on their next big step! You may have noticed that we don’t have any other posts for literacy, math, and social studies. We will not be having our regular schedules do to continuation, a first grade sneak peak, and other fun activities (and cleaning…). 

Checkout our last week of events! It sure has been a blast! I’m so happy to have taught your kiddo! 

Upcoming Events

  • Continuation 
    • On May 29th, from 9:30-10:15 AM, we will hold a kindergartner continuation ceremony to celebrate the students moving on to first grade and all their hard work. 
  • Class Party
    • On May 30th from 10:15-11:15am we will have our class party. If you can provide a donation or step in as a volunteer at our classroom party, please click on the sign-up genius link. 
      • Link:
  • Carnival 
    • On May 30th from 2:00-3:00 PM, the school will be holding a Carnival to end the year with celebration. From 3:00-5:00 PM, there will be an open house and during the open house you can come and see the projects your students worked hard to create. 
  • Carnival Basket
    • Thank you to all of you who have made donations! Please check out the silent auction at the carnival!

Advocacy Week of May 20th

Hi families! I can’t believe this is our last full week of school! I’m sure you and your kiddos are feeling the mixture of emotions all of the kindergarten teachers are feeling right now. We are excited to celebrate our kinders this week and next week. Here are some upcoming events: 

Upcoming Events

  • Readers Theater 
    • We will be doing a readers theater with our kindergarteners. Due to carline and graduation, we will be hosting it in our classrooms from 1:00pm to 1:20pm on Friday, May 24th. Please arrive no earlier than 12:55pm. Please let us know if you have any questions! 
  • Continuation 
    • On May 29th, from 9:30-10:15 AM, we will hold a kindergartner continuation ceremony to celebrate the students moving on to first grade and all their hard work. 
  • Carnival 
    • On May 30th from 2:00-3:00 PM, the school will be holding a Carnival to end the year with celebration. From 3:00-5:00 PM, there will be an open house and during the open house you can come and see the projects your students worked hard to create. 
  • Carnival Basket
    • Each grade level will be in charge of creating a basket to donate to our silent auction at the carnival. Our theme is Bookworms! If you would like to contribute to our basket, please click on the sign-up link here and send your kiddo in with your donations of anything book related (book lights, books, book marks, etc).
  • Summer Birthdays
    • Please email me a date you would like to celebrate your students birthday for this week. The student can bring in a birthday treat to share with their classmates and we will sing them an early happy birthday. 

Advocacy Week of May 13th

This week we are discussing self care and wellness. We are going to explore areas of wellness like physical, mental, social, and emotional. We will discuss why wellness is important to yourself and others, and how we can maintain wellness in our lives. 


Upcoming Events:

    • Readers Theater 
      • We will be doing a readers theater with our kindergarteners. The date and time is pending approval. Please come and see your students act out Mrs. Wishy Washy. 
    • Continuation 
      • On May 29th, from 9:30-10:15 AM, we will hold a kindergartner continuation ceremony to celebrate the students moving on to first grade and all their hard work. 
    • Carnival 
      • On May 30th from 2:00-3:00 PM, the school will be holding a Carnival to end the year with celebration. From 3:00-5:00 PM, there will be an open house and during the open house you can come and see the projects your students worked hard to create. 
    • Carnival Basket
      • Each grade level will be in charge of creating a basket to donate to our silent auction at the carnival. Our theme is Bookworms! If you would like to contribute to our basket, please click on the sign-up link here and send your kiddo in with your donations of anything book related (book lights, books, book marks, etc).
    • Summer Birthdays
      • Please email me a date you would like to celebrate your students birthday for next week. The student can bring in a birthday treat to share with their classmates and we will sing them an early happy birthday. 

Advocacy Week of May 6th

This week is Westgate’s Earth Week! Earth Week is an environmental movement that was created to celebrate the earth and encourage environmental ideas. Earth Week will last from Monday to Friday. Each day there will be a different daily topic that focuses on the theme for this year - Planet vs. Plastics. As a part of Earth Week, our class will be participating in the Great Global Cleanup. We will be doing a trash pick-up at our school on Thursday, May 9th afternoon to help clean up our community. Please send your students comfortable walking shoes and extra water for the day. They will be provided with disposable gloves.

Advocacy Week of April 29th

This week, we are starting our end of year DIBELS testing and will also be doing MAPS testing. Make sure your student gets lots of rest and eats a good breakfast to encourage a good start on our testing days!

Advocacy Week of April 22nd

Hi families! This week is Earth Week! (Wahoo!) We will be learning how we can celebrate Earth Week every week and find ways we can help the planet. The whole school will be celebrating Earth Week a bit later in the year, so look out for more news on that.

Some of the activities we will be completing will include making utensil bags! Plastic can take up to 500 years to fully decompose! Yikes! Feel free to give your students a reusable fork or a spoon on Tuesday to place into their utensil bag. 

As a fun treat, we will also be making Earth Week Pudding! If you’re unsure how to make it, it’s quite simple. You start with the gravel (crushed oreos), add some soil (chocolate pudding), add in a few worms (gummy worms), and finish with some more gravel (more crushed oreos). Voila! You have a tasty treat! 

If you would like to provide some of these ingredients for our class we would greatly appreciate it! Here is a sign-up genius. Please have your student bring in the item by Thursday, April 25th, so we can purchase any missing items if necessary. 

Also, a friendly reminder that our field trip is this Wednesday, April 24th! We are so excited to get ready to visit the zoo! Please have your student wear a purple or white shirt, bring a sack lunch, and be prepared for the weather (sunscreen on, hats if needed, a jacket, etc).

Advocacy Week of April 15th

On April 24th, we will have our last field trip of the year to the Denver Zoo! Here, we will learn about animals, their habitats, how they are taken care of, and how we can help to take care of them. Please sign this permission form by Friday, April 19th. We will remind parents closer to the day of the field trip, but for those of you who are early planners, this is what students need to be prepared for our day at the zoo: 

Please provide your student with a packed lunch and water bottle. Students will be exploring the zoo indoors and outdoors. Please plan accordingly to the weather (jackets, sunscreen, hats, etc.). If possible, please have your student wear a white or purple Westgate shirt. If you would like to chaperone, you will need a background check. You can find that here

Advocacy Week of April 8th

Welcome back families! I hope you had a restful break! Please check out our other classroom pages to see what we will be doing this week. We have some exciting events in store, including, watching the solar eclipse on Monday! Don’t worry, families! We will have eclipse glasses and will discuss the importance of wearing them while looking at the sun. Feel free to talk to your kindergartener about that at home as well! 

In addition to this, we will begin spelling tests based on spelling patterns. This week, we will be working on short a sounds and on Friday, students will be tested on 4 CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words and 1 CVCC (consonant, vowel, consonant, consonant) word. 

Lastly, next week for social studies, we will be discussing the life cycle of humans. How we are babies and then eventually grow to adults. To start the lesson off, we will begin by having a ‘guess the baby’ game, where students will guess which student matches the baby picture. Due to this fun game, we would love for parents to email us a baby picture of your kindergartener. Please send us pictures by April 11th. If you do not feel comfortable sharing a baby picture of your kindergartner, please have your student draw a picture of themselves as a baby instead. Thank you! 

Advocacy Week of March 18th

Hi families! 

As you know, we will be having a field trip to the butterfly pavilion on Tuesday, March 19th. If you have not yet sent in a permission slip, please do so here. We will be reaching out to chaperones tomorrow afternoon.  

Send your students with a sack lunch, a water bottle for the day, and have your student wear a purple or white Westgate shirt. We will be participating in a Butterfly Buddies lesson to connect with our year-long service-learning curriculum.

Also, as we did not have school on Thursday or Friday, I did not get a chance to share with students that I will not be at school in the morning on Monday, March 18th. I will be returning in the afternoon. Feel free to share this information with your kindergartener so they are not surprised. 

Advocacy Week of March 11th

Hello wonderful families! 

Kindergarten is going on a field trip to the Butterfly Pavilion on Tuesday, March 19th. Please complete the permission form here by Friday, March 15th. Send your students with a sack lunch, a water bottle for the day, and have your student wear a purple or white Westgate shirt. We will be participating in a Butterfly Buddies lesson to connect with our year-long service-learning curriculum.

In addition, we are in search of 2 chaperones for this field trip. If you are interested in chaperoning for this field trip, please complete the background check via the Westgate website here and then email me by Friday, March 15th. I will give parents who have not participated in previous field trips first priority.

Advocacy Week of February 20th

I hope you all had a restful long weekend! 

I wanted to share with parents that we will be having another lockdown drill in the springtime. We will be reminding students what a lockdown drill is and what we do in a lockdown drill. We know this is a delicate subject and often difficult for kindergarteners, so we want to take our time discussing it with them so they feel the most comfortable. 

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!

Advocacy Week of February 12th


On Monday (February 12th), we will be exploring how the biscuit has been transformed through the ages through the work of Black chefs and inventors. To support student learning, we will eat biscuits and make butter as a class! Please let us know if you would not like your child to eat any of these items and bring a substitute for them to eat in place. If you have any other questions or concerns, please let us know as soon as possible. 

Kindness Week

Kindness week is here! For kindness week, the kindergarteners will walk to the bus barn on Wednesday, February 14th and hand deliver cards of appreciation to our bus drivers. You can submit your permission slip here for your child to attend our field trip. Please have your permission slip signed by Tuesday, February 13th. As we will be walking to the Bus Barn, please have your child bring a warm jacket, gloves, beanies, etc. Be prepared for weather if necessary!​

Advocacy Week of February 5th

Donation Opportunity and Can Your Kiddo Eat Figs? 

In one of the stories, students will learn about figs and fig trees. If you would like to donate dried figs to our classroom for students to try a fig, please let me know. If you would not like your student to eat a dried fig, please also email me. 

Kindness Week and What About Valentine’s Day? 

Kindness Week is celebrated during the week of Valentine’s Day or the week of February 12th. It is a long-standing tradition at Westgate. We celebrate and spread kindness by doing different activities throughout the week. Each day has a different theme, aligned with the different love languages. ​

Monday – Words of Affirmation​

Tuesday – Quality Time​

Wednesday – Acts of Service​

Thursday – Gift Giving​

For kindness week, the kindergarteners will walk to the bus barn on Wednesday, February 14th and hand deliver cards of appreciation to our bus drivers. You can submit your permission slip here for your child to attend our field trip. Please have your permission slip signed by Tuesday, February 13th. As we will be walking to the Bus Barn, please have your child bring a warm jacket, gloves, beanies, etc. Be prepared for weather if necessary!​

We will be joined with a high school class to build community within our school as well! Sadly, we will not be having any chaperones joining us at this time, but please feel free to email me if you would like to attend our next field trip.

But wait… What about Valentine’s Day? At Westgate, we do not exchange cards, candy, or treats. We instead focus this time on how we can show appreciation to members in the community. 

Advocacy Week of November 27th

On Friday, December 8th we will have a Field Trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. We will explore the history exhibit and discuss how things are today and how they were different in the past. We will also visit the dinosaur exhibit to explore life cycles. Here is the Permission Slip Link. Please have this completed by Monday, December 4th. Each class will need 3 chaperones. We are always in need of chaperones, so please sign up if you are able. If you would like to chaperone, it is required to have a background check. You can submit a background check here.

Advocacy Week of November 13th

Here are a few friendly reminders of some exciting events to come: 

  • November 17: On Friday, we will be having a whole-grade Thanksgiving feast! We will be doing this from 2:30pm - 3:00pm. Here is a sign-up genius if you’d like to donate food or time to our Thanksgiving celebration. If you do not want your student to eat any of the food on the list, please let me know before Thursday, November 16th. 
  • November 20th-November 24th is fall break