Ms. Willt-Beres, iLab, 1st Grade

Course Description

Welcome to iLab

I'm excited to share with you all my passion for design.

We will be studying many areas of design including videography, 3D modeling, robotics, animation, product and web design.

Let's see all the innovation we will create!



3D modeling club

thank you to all that joined me for another club. You did an awesome job!
If you would like to Tinker over the summer type in this code and your nickname:


You did it! End of quarter 4 and school year

Thank you to all of you for such an amazing year.
We had great time learning more about the design thinking process.
I hope you have a fantastic summer!!!
Ms Denise :)

Quarter at a glance K-6

  • Week 1 Assessment
  • Week 2 Design Thinking/Concept boards, walk campus
  • Week 3 Builds
  • Week 4 Builds details, Photography/videography (group city drawings)
  • Week 5 Animation = storyboards, flip books, character design
  • Week 6 Animation = stop action, 2D
  • Week 7 Presentations/review vocabulary and process
  • Week 8 3D chalk art

Quarter at a glance for 7-8

Week 1 = Assessment

Week 2 = Design Thinking/concept boards

Week 3 = Product design

Week 4 = Website design

Week 5 = cont

Week 6 = Marketing

Week 7 = Portfolio

Week 8 = 3D chalk art

Welcome back...Let's get ready for 4th Quarter!

It's been a awesome year so far, looking forward to our last quarter for the year. 
Some of you I'll get to see again for 7-8. Awesome!!! Middle schoolers at Westgate are the best!!!
For middle school  our upcoming quarter is a compilation of past quarters with learning the craft of upcyling with design thinking to create a paper product. We'll again use photography, videography, animation, 3D modeling for marketing our builds. This quarter you'll learn a new technique of how to promote your products thru web design.
We will again look at structure design for K-6 but with a new surprise twist.
It's going to be a great quarter ahead...

3D modeling club 4th Quarter

Dont forget to sign up for the modeling club after school on Mondays
We'll be learning different hands on and 3D software throughout the club.

Pop ups

This lesson continues to teach students different building concepts for 3D paper builds that involve movement.
Here is a highlight of some of their projects. They should be proud of the difficulty and precision of their work.

Final days of the quarter

We are now entering final grading window. All portfolios will be completed and final grades entered.
We will end the quarter with some fun stem and design activities including for this quarter handmade stickers.
Again another fantastic quarter. A great group of students who should be so proud of all their accomplishments.
Ms Denise :)


Final grades will be available in the following week. This week we will develop portfolios to finalize the grading process and allow students to leave with a finished collection from iLab. They will also be able to celebrate all of their accomplishments.
Each of you should be incredibly proud of your hard work. I continue to be impressed with your ideas and care.
Thank you :)

Happy Kindness week

What will you do for kindness week?
In K-3 we created art to give to someone by tracing our hands in the shape of  heart and writing a special note.
Thank you for my notes and flowers.

Half way thru!

We are half way thru the quarter.
We have recently discussed grading and that they can check grades in IC or speak with me about any questions they may have so far.
We are starting to finalize and showcase all of our projects for the quarter. 
And then we will create our final portfolios and they can take home all of their hard work.
Its a fun but quick time of the quarter getting ready for report cards and spring break.
Awesome job!

Welcome to quarter 3 iLab

Welcome back everyone!
Hope you all had a wonderful holiday break!
This quarter in 7-8 we will be studying animation with an emphasis on innovation.
K-6 will be studying structure design thinking of the environment and innovation.
Current weekly schedule for 7-8:

Week 1 = Assessment

Week 2 = Design Thinking/concept boards

Week 3 = Animation history and design = character/title/storyboards/flip books

Week 4 = Animating in WickEditor = practice tweening

Week 5 = cont animations

Week 6 = Marketing

Week 7 = Portfolios

Week 8 = STEM week


K-6 weekly schedule:

  • Week 1 Assessment
  • Week 2 Design Thinking/Concept boards, walk campus
  • Week 3 Builds
  • Week 4 Builds details, Photography/videography (group city drawings)
  • Week 5 Animation = storyboards, flip books, character design
  • Week 6 Animation = stop action, 2D
  • Week 7 Presentations/review vocabulary and process
  • Week 8 STEM week
I'm excited for the quarter ahead and all the awesome projects.
Ms Denise :)


I hope you all had a fantastic break, got some rest and had fun!


This week we'll be working on video editing and 3D modeling.

Then we'll make portfolios of everything you made this quarter and celebrate before our next holiday break.


You all should be so proud of your work this quarter. You all rose above the challenge and are making some amazing designs.



Ms Denise :)