Ms. Lubang, Math, Kindergarten


Math Week of January 17th

Kindergartners will continue to work on chapter 11, identifying two-dimensional shapes. On Thursday, students will take their chapter 11 assessment and on Friday, they will begin chapter 12, identifying three-dimensional shapes. 

Math Week of January 9th

We will begin chapter 11 in our math curriculum! In chapter 11, kindergarteners will identify and describe the different characteristics of two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. They will also name shapes and sort them based off of their features. 


Math Week of November 28th

We will begin chapter 9 in our math curriculum! In chapter 9, kindergarteners will count and compare numbers from 1 to 20. 

Math Week of November 14th

This week in math, we will be exploring our tens and ones place value! From there, we will begin to count objects from 1 to 19! On Friday, we will complete our chapter 8 test. 

Math Week of October 31st

In math, we will continue to practice our addition skills by creating addition equations with sums equal to 10. Our test was pushed back due to our field trip and will now be on Wednesday, November 2nd. We will begin the seventh chapter on Thursday, November 3rd and start subtraction! 

Math Week of October 24th

In math, we will continue to practice our addition skills by creating addition equations with sums equal to 10. On November 1st, students will complete chapter 6 and take their end of chapter test. 

Math Week of October 17th

In math, we will continue to practice our skills with decomposing and composing numbers; specifically, numbers 9 and 10. From there, students will practice this same skill, but with groups of 5. This will conclude chapter 5. Students will take a chapter test on Wednesday and begin addition in chapter 6 on Thursday!

Math Week of September 19th

We are moving onto our fourth chapter of our first unit and will further explore comparing, ordering, and writing numbers. We will also be taking our chapter four test this Friday. 

Math Week of September 12th

In math we will be modeling, counting, ordering, and writing numbers 1-10. On Friday we will be having our chapter 3 math test. 

Math Week of August 22nd

This week in math we will be comparing numbers 1- 5, talking about equal, greater and less than.