7th Grade Art Class Q3 - Shaw’s Advocacy

Course Description

7th Grade art class includes lessons and instruction during class as well as outside work on projects. Students will be learning aspects of art history and create work inspired by it (Example: Monet Paintings). They will be learning about the elements of art and principles of design and incorporating them into artwork (Example: 3D Words in Perspective). I also believe in freedom of artistic expression so there will be projects in which are meant for self-expression, giving the students full control of their creative ideas. (Example: Mixed Media Animals) There will also be instruction on different mediums and learning to use them.


We meet on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 1:45 – 2:15 pm.


Zoom link :




Password is in Teams due to security.


Week of 3/15/21 - 3/18/21


The students will be revisiting typography from last week and why it is important in graphic design.


The students will be drawing their name in different fonts.


The students will be finishing up their typography name.





Week of 3/8/21 - 3/11/21


Today’s video can be found on our Art Team under the tab that says “Art Q3 7th Cox / Shaw”. (You may have to click “2 more” in order to see it)

We are going to be continuing to work on our Outside the Box competition project. The information for the competition was posted on Teams under “Posts” if you need to reference it for more information.

If you finish your project, you may send me a picture of your application and your drawing if you would like me to submit it for you. Again, you do not need to submit your drawing however I will need to see work done in order for you to receive credit for a grade.



Today’s video can be found on our Art Team under the tab that says “Art Q3 7th Cox / Shaw”. (You may have to click “2 more” in order to see it)

Continue working on your Outside the Box competition project.

If you finish your project, you may send me a picture of your application and your drawing if you would like me to submit it for you. Again, you do not need to submit your drawing however I will need to see work done in order for you to receive credit for a grade.

If you finish your Outside the Box, watch the Youtube video I posted under “Posts” on our art team. Then, start to figure out your name in typography by getting inspiration from the font space website. You can start to sketch out your name on a piece of paper.


Today’s video can be found on our Art Team under the tab that says “Art Q3 7th Cox / Shaw”. (You may have to click “2 more” in order to see it)

Continue working on your Outside the Box competition art if you haven’t completed it.

If you are finished with your Outside the Box, continue working on your name in typography. You will be using black marker to draw out your first and last name.


Today’s video can be found on our Art Team under the tab that says “Art Q3 7th Cox / Shaw”. (You may have to click “2 more” in order to see it)

Continue working on your Outside the Box competition art if you haven’t completed it.

If you are finished with your Outside the Box, continue working on your name in typography. You will be using black marker to draw out your first and last name. Submit a picture of your completed name in Teams for a grade.

Week of 3/1/21 - 3/4/21

The students are going to be finishing up their illustrated map of a state/country of their choice.
The students will be learning about the Outside the Box competition and starting to brain storm their ideas.
The students will be starting to draw out their Outside the Box competition art.
The students will be continuing to work on their Outside the Box art.

Week of 2/22/21 - 2/25/21


The students are going to be starting their illustrated map of a state/country of their choice.



The students will be continuing to work on their illustrated map.



The students will be continuing to work on their illustrated map.



The students will be continuing to work on their illustrated map.

Week of 2/15/21 - 2/18/21








The students are working on designing their own treehouse. They will be first drawing a tree as their base and then they will be adding the structure. They can add whatever they would like to the treehouse (Slides, Ziplines, etc.)



The students are finishing up their treehouse design.

Week of 2/8/21 - 2/11/21


We will be revisiting what perspective is in art. We will then start our window in perspective project.


We will continue to work on our window in perspective project.


We will be working on our window in perspective project.


We will be finishing up our window in perspective project.

Week of 2/1/21 - 2/4/21



We will be meeting from 8:15am – 9:15am via zoom using the regular art link if you are home. If you are in school, I will see you in Ms.Shaw’s class!

We are going to be participating in the yearbook cover contest. We are going to be creating our own designs to be submitted for a chance to be the cover of Westgate’s yearbook.


Supplies you will need:

Plain piece of paper

Coloring supplies (crayons or markers)






We will be meeting from 8:15am – 9:15am via zoom using the regular art link if you are home. If you are in school, I will see you in Ms.Shaw’s class!

We are going to continue working on our submission for the yearbook cover contest. We are going to be creating our own designs to be submitted for a chance to be the cover of Westgate’s yearbook.


Supplies you will need:

Plain piece of paper

Coloring supplies (colored pencils or markers)






We will be meeting from 8:15am – 9:15am via zoom using the regular art link if you are home. If you are in school, I will see you in Ms.Shaw’s class!

We are going to continue working on our submission for the yearbook cover contest. We are going to be creating our own designs to be submitted for a chance to be the cover of Westgate’s yearbook.


Supplies you will need:

Plain piece of paper

Coloring supplies (colored pencils or markers)






We will be meeting from 8:15am – 9:15am via zoom using the regular art link if you are home. If you are in school, I will see you in Ms.Shaw’s class!

We are going to continue working on our submission for the yearbook cover contest. We are going to be creating our own designs to be submitted for a chance to be the cover of Westgate’s yearbook.


Supplies you will need:

Plain piece of paper

Coloring supplies (colored pencils or markers)



Week of 1/25/21 - 1/28/21



If you haven’t submitted your island project, make sure you do so today for partial credit.




We will be meeting via zoom from 1:45pm to 2:15 pm. The link and password can be found under Files on Teams.



You will need:

A plain piece of paper




We are going to be learning about op art and then drawing out our hand op art drawing.





Finish drawing out your hand if you haven’t done so already.




We will be meeting via zoom from 1:45pm to 2:15 pm. The link and password can be found under Files on Teams.


You will need:

Your op art paper



Coloring materials


We are going to draw out the lines on our hands and background.

Week of 1/19/21 - 1/21/21







We will be meeting via zoom from 1:45 pm to 2:15 pm. The link and password can be found under posts  on our Art Q3 7th grade Team in Microsoft Teams.


 You will need:

Your island project paper

Coloring Materials





We will be continuing to draw and color our island.




 If you did not attend class yesterday make sure you take time to draw and color your island.





 We will be meeting via zoom from 1:45 pm to 2:15 pm.


You will need:

Your island project paper

Coloring Materials


We will be continuing to work on our island project. Make sure if you don’t attend class, to submit a picture of your completed work on Teams so you can receive credit.

Week of 1/11/21 - 1/15/21



Nothing to complete today. See you tomorrow!




We will be meeting from 1:45 – 2:15pm via zoom.


You will need:

One piece of drawing paper


Colored Pencils


We are starting our island project. The students will be drawing out the outline of their island and creating a key.




Finish any steps you didn’t complete from Tuesday’s class.




We will be meeting from 1:45 – 2:15pm via zoom.


You will need:

One piece of drawing paper


Colored Pencils


We will be continuing our island project. We will start to draw the symbols on our island.

Thursday January 7th, 2021



Welcome back art students!

We will be meeting via zoom from 1:45 pm to 2:15 pm. The link and password are being sent from Ms.Shaw.


We will be reconnecting and sharing what we did over break. Then we will be talking about what this quarter will look like in art and what sorts of projects we will be doing! I look forward to seeing you!