JUMP ROPE FOR HEART! Jan 17th-Feb14th

The students took part in the Jump Rope for Heart Kick Off Event on Wednesday the 17th. A rep from JR4Heart came in and did a little presentation describing for the students how to take care of their heart and how to raise money for the American Heart Association. To raise awareness, we took several minutes at the end of the presentation and each student received a paper heart cut out. They were encouraged to write the name of someone they would like to 'Jump For/Jump in Honor of.' Many students wrote their grandparents and several had relatives that died from a heart attack or heart disease. 
The whole idea behind Jump Rope for heart is to get the students thinking about ways that they can keep their own hearts healthy (each monster represents a different way) as well as how they can help other people who have heart disease, by raising money for the American Heart Association. 
Students were asked, not obligated,  to collect donations and in return they would get 'Thank you Gifts' from American Heart Association for their hard work and energy collecting donations. 
Jump Rope for Heart was very excited about this years thank you gifts (the monsters) and how they would help motivate the students to collect donations. So yes, the monsters are supposed to be incentives/motivators for the students to collect donations to help people with 'sick hearts.' 
You can collect donations online, by setting up your account (visit heart.org/jump) or by collecting cash/checks (which are to be put in the envelope) and sent back to school on Feb 14th. 
Most thank you gifts are sent to the students sometime after the final event on Feb 14th. I will send the envelopes to the AHA, they will count the money and put together Thank You Gift Bags filled with the prizes that were earned. 
**Several gifts are instant gifts. You can qualify for an instant gift if:
-You set up your online account-receive a bracelet
-You get your first online donation-receive 'Charger keychain'
-You reach $40 online donations-receive 'Disco keychain'
-You collect $5 and have your parents fill out the coupon (on the front page of the envelope) and bring it to your advisory teacher.-receive Jax and clip
All other gifts are sent out after the conclusion of the event. 
Hope this clears it up a little. Let me know if you have more questions. 
Envelopes are returned to myself on Feb. 14th.