Community Events » Kindness Week

Kindness Week



Kindness Week is Monday, February 10th through Friday February 14th.


A few things for you to know about: 

  • We do not exchange Valentines cards, candy, or treats at school. If your student arrives with Valentine’s cards, candy, or treats, they will be asked to put them back into their backpack to be taken home.
  • Get your Kindness Day permission slip (virtually emailed to families) signed by Wednesday February 12th. Classes will be walking to different nearby businesses to deliver hand-made kindness cards to local businesses on Friday, February 14th. We do not need any chaperones for these trips.  
  • Be prepared to go rain or shine on Friday, February 14th (half day) – bring a warm jacket, gloves, beanies, etc. If needed because we will be walking outside. 


Here’s a list of things that you can do to support your student’s learning at home. 

Monday, February 10th: Words of Affirmation 

Kindness Week Challenge #1 – Use kind words of affirmation with 3 or more other people you see today. It could be a family member, friend, teacher, grocery store worker, or anyone else. Set aside a few minutes daily where each person gives a positive word or phrase to another family member. 

Tuesday, February 11th: Quality Time 

Kindness Week Challenge #2 – Spend at least 30 minutes of quality time with yourself or someone you love today after school. Have a family game night, movie or show night, cook or bake something as a family, enjoy story time, crafts, exercise, or even some yard work together. 

Wednesday, February 12th: Acts of Service 

Kindness Week Challenge #3 – Do another act of service for someone when you get home! Cook a meal for the family, organize a shared space, help each other with chores, plan a relaxation evening, do a surprise improvement project, or care for a pet together. 

Thursday, February 13th: Gift Giving 

Kindness Week Challenge #4: Deliver the gift you made today in class to the person you made it for. Talk about how giving someone a gift made you feel. Dedicate an evening to creating homemade gifts for each other, create a family shared photo album, playlist, or video.  

Friday, February 14th: Kindness Day (Half Day) - various walking trips 

Kindness Week Challenge #5: Create a family “Compliment Jar”. Place a jar in a common area. Family members can write positive affirmations or compliments about each other on small pieces of paper and drop them in the jar. 

Kindness Week Food Drive!

Let’s spread some kindness by collecting non-perishable food items for A Precious Child.


  • Bring non-perishable food items to your advocacy class from Monday, February 10th – Friday, February 14th
  • Last year in November we collected 1,100 non-perishable food items! Help us reach our goal of 1,500 this year! 
Spice it up Monday - Dried herbs and spices 
TUESDAY Pasta Tuesday - Dried pasta in boxes 
WEDNESDAY Veggie Wednesday - Canned vegetables 
THURSDAY Toiletry Thursday - Kleenex, toilet paper, paper towels 
FRIDAY Fruit-filled Friday - Canned fruits