12/2 - 12/6

Good Morning!
Happy Monday. I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving Week!
What's on the Docket for this week?
2nd Grade - This week we will discuss abstract art, using lines, colors, and shapes and how to use them to create an image. We will be studying the work of Wasley Kandinsky and utilizing the relationships between colors and emotions to create our own abstract art. 
3rd/4th - This week we are beginning our first big project. Students will be learning about the different parts of a landscape and how to create visual interest using lines and patterns within their landscape drawings. Our final Zentangle Landscapes which will be due Friday, 12/13.
5th/6th - This week we are beginning our first big project, Still Life drawings. We started by learning the basics of how to draw/form a still life. Then students will bring in their own objects to draw close-up "zoomed-in" viewpoints of in order to complete 9 small drawings for their final image. This project will be due next Wednesday, 12/11. 
7th/8th - This week students will be beginning their final pop art food paintings. Students studied the work of Contemporary Pop Artist Hannah Moore. This project is due this Friday, 12/6.