Quarter 2 Conferences

Good morning! 


Semester 1 conferences are here! Please use the following link to sign up for a conference. Conferences will be held on Thursday, December 17th and on the morning of Friday, December 18th.  


The link will be active until Friday, December 11th at 5 PM. You will receive Zoom information to access your conference around that same day. 


Conference Signup Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080E4DA9AF2AA2FE3-quarter5


We have a limited number of spots available, so please sign up quickly. Once all spots are full, we are unable to provide any other times to meet. We are also unable to accommodate anyone who tries to come into conferences without scheduling beforehand. 


Each conference will last for 15 minutes. This is what you can expect when you arrive: 


1) If you have questions or concerns, we will address those. 


2) Each teacher will speak on how your student is doing in their class. If we are low on time after questions, any teachers who have seen your student struggling will speak first. 


In order to keep our day running smoothly and ensure all those who signed up can meet with us, conferences will not last longer than 15 minutes. If you have questions at the end that have not been answered, please feel free to email your student’s advocate or individual subject teacher. 


Best, and see you at conferences! 

Amy Schneider